Topical Cream’s education programming engages young women and GNC individuals with the vibrant NYC art community.

At Topical Cream, we’ve witnessed firsthand the life-changing impact of positive mentorship and peer to peer relationships. We equip our students with practical skills that are applicable across a variety of career paths, not just art and writing.
Female-identifying and gender non-conforming writers convene Monday-Friday for a two week intensive, engaging with a mentor to refine their creative writing skills. During their time at the New York Girls Writers Circle, participants partake in talks, readings, and studio visits, gaining valuable insights into the creative processes of female-identifying artists. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to go on museum trips, meet with other women and gender-nonconforming artists, foster connections and expand their understanding of contemporary art. Lunch and snacks are also provided.
Mentees are encouraged to submit a full-length feature on a topic of their choice for potential publication in Topical Cream Magazine. We are currently accepting applications from individuals interested in participating in this transformative experience.

A direct connection to artists can be transformative: In 2020, Topical Cream launched the Art Writing Mentorship Program, developed in collaboration with Recess/Assembly. The program demonstrates the power of mentoring relationships. Literature, film, and art criticism have mapped and narrated the vital, natural evolution many make from being system-impacted to being a published author.
At Topical Cream, we’ve supported that story to life-changing effect for each writer through our three-month mentorship program. For the AWM program, we work with writers who have been system-impacted to help them harness the power and importance of their experiences, training them in the craft of art-writing and creative writing while also providing them with concrete skills that can translate to a variety of fields.
Female-identifying and gender non-conforming writers meet three times a week, or over the course of an intensive weekend, with a mentor to discuss and hone their craft, and are offered opportunities to attend talks, readings, and studio visits that provide crucial insight into the daily practices of primarily female-identifying artists. Through these initiatives, writers expand their knowledge of contemporary art and establish a supportive network of industry professionals. At the end of the program, writers are provided opportunities to share their work through locally organized and virtually screened readings and are invited to submit a full-length feature on a topic of their choosing, to be published on Topical Cream.
For more information or to sign up please reach out to
Donate to our program here.
Azza El Siddique
Brittany Cameron
Brittany Shepherd
Brooklyn Museum
Cindy Ji Hye Kim
Guns Down Mic Up!
Hannah Levy
Jack Radley
Kiarrah L. Beverly
Kiyan Williams
Peixi Kwee
Rachelle Dang
Raque Ford

Sara Arison
Jacques Louis Vidal
Seth Stolbun
Department of Youth and Community Development
Everypage Foundation
Exalt for Youth
Google Matching
New York Foundation for the Arts
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.